実千代鍼灸院 Michiyo Acupuncture Clinic

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Vol.29The Hokushin-Kai System of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Treatment

I’m often told by my clients that my way of treatment differs a lot from what they receive at other clinics. For instance, I mostly use one single needle and, moreover, do not apply it to the point which they complain about. This is some surprise to them, but they recognize the effect of the treatment. I respond by saying, “This treatment is based on the system used by the Hokushin-kai, an association represented by my mentor Mr. Rempu Fujimoto. I have written about him in these columns many times before, but this time I would like to introduce a little more of his personality and philosophy that underlie this treatment system and its orientation.

First, a few words on Mr. Fujimoto himself again. This great teacher is filled with strong faith, passion and confidence when it comes to acupuncture-moxibustion treatment. He observes each patient with warm and sharp eyes. His Napoleonic catchword “Ever Forward!” propels him in the way of medicine, always full of life force and free and open-minded like a young warrior. The more intractable the problem he faces, the stronger his fighting spirit grows. The polarity of his character also impresses us; impetuosity on one hand and remarkable patience on the other. I could go on and on like this about him.

The Hokushin-kai which he represents was started in 1979. And the Hokushin-kai treatment system is based on the logic born from extensive studies of as many as six hundred thousand clinical cases It became an incorporated organization in February 2009.

The organization’s principle is based on the stand that Oriental medicine is nothing but true medical science and is targeted at each case in two ways, one scientific and the other technical. Its ultimate objective is to treat the body, mind, and soul. The principle is based on the belief that medical treatment should not be focused on the body alone but should equally be aimed at the body and the mind. The oneness of body and mind assures the balance of bodily functions. If this balance is perturbed, something goes wrong with the functions of the mind and deeper in the soul as well. Thus, oriental medicine firmly believes in its capability of treating the body, mind and soul all together.

The treatment given by the Hokushin-kai is founded on the basic theories of the Modern Chinese Medical Science which excels in logic. Its multilateral diagnoses cover the four aspects of medical problems:
1) Observing (movement of the body, the appearance of the skin, face and tongue),
2) Listening (interviews checking the voice and the way of talking, while sensing the mouth and body odor,
3) Questioning (asking about patient’s lifestyle, subjective symptoms, appetite, sleep patterns, patient’s medical history, etc.),
4) Touching (pulse checking, palpation of the abdomen and body surface points, etc.) On the basis of these four examinations, the real cause of the complaint is traced and judged.

Furthermore, the Hokushin-kai has its own diagnostic system in addition to the above four, which is called space examination (kuukan-shin), which aims at determining where the imbalance of the power source has occurred. In this system, the traditional acupuncture treatment (hammer acupuncture technique) is applied in an updated manner. Condensed application of only a single or a small number of needles serves to bring about the effect aimed at. Especially for children, excessively sensitive or totally exhausted patients, we use “contact needles” called the Ancient Needle. These needles do not impale the skin.

I myself visit Mr. Rempu Fujimoto’s clinic in Nara once or twice a week and research further into the acupuncture treatment, and always feel grateful for my mentor’s guidance, and I’m always trying to substantiate the merit of this treatment by helping a number of patients. This, I believe, is nothing but my sole mission and the way to repay the indebtedness to my mentor.


