実千代鍼灸院 Michiyo Acupuncture Clinic

Colum NEW!Column


Vol.2Stability of spirit, Part 2

The over-tension causes the sickness.”

I mentioned that the laugh and sweats loosen the tension in the column titled stability of spirit, part 1. There must be somebody who doesn’t loosen the tension in such a thing. You may be strained like the hands grasped even in case of sleep.
I feel that such a kind of person has a strong receptivity and delicacy. Some artists’ types are so, but they can express their desires in the art, and itself can loosen their tension.
In fact, If you can’t express your desire, and can’t be taken anywhere, nobody can catch the desire, or you will be sickness definitely. Chain over tension causes the sickness.

Though it is various depending on the person like atopy, asthma, the hyperpnea, the palpitation, the insomnia, the pain in the body, and diarrhea, constipation, tiredness, and irritation. There is common that the jar in both abdomen and dorsal is very hard like a stone.
I cannot help thinking that I want you to develop the talent with a wonderful sensibility while touching the hard jar point. Because you are here is wonderful.

“Why do we become an over-tension?”

The person who becomes a tension doesn’t have any way to emanate in life. If you are too busy, you may become an over-tension, but when you enjoy your busy, the body is not influenced much and your will be recovered by a little movement and sleep. Opposite of the tension is to loosen. Most people look like a tension too much than loosening. Though Oriental medicine values the balance like ・・・・ if it is less much and it is worth.
The feeling of Loosening can get from taking a walk and a light movement, and to feel relieved, a gratitude, impression, and laughter, etc.
However, these mental feeling can arise only in relations with a person.
If there is less interpersonal relationship, it is difficult to obtain the loosening. And it is very little to praise the others in such a competitive world. I think only that it is not me that feel like this.

“How about my tension?”

Please check these signatures of the over-tension in your current life below.

1.There are a lot of sighs.
2.You overeat.
3.You want to eat sweets
4.You often get irritated.
5.You have a stiff shoulder.
6.You feel something blocking in your throat.
7.You smart on your scalp.
8.You can’t s asleep easily.
9.You often get constipated.
10. You are ever said a temporomandibular arthrosis.
11. You grind your teeth.

If you check more than four in these 11 items, there are signatures of the overt-tension.
And if you feel you don’t want to meet the person or go out, you must be more careful.
I want you to praise yourself whatever.
Because sensitive means that you can understand the others.
Anyhow, acupuncture is the best treatment that loosens the tension. I have been felt actually that it is the highest treatment every day.


